Pain in left testicle can be sharp or dull. It could be a result of a groin pull or even an STD. In some cases, sharp pain in the left testicle may be accompanied by back pain or abdominal aches. Here are the causes of a hurting or sore balls and their treatments.
Why does my left testicle hurt? Causes of left ball pain
What causes pain in left testicle? Aches and pain in one of your testicles may be a sign of an infection or physical trauma in general. You may experience it after working out, after ejaculation or even after a surgical procedure such as vasectomy. Here are the possible causes of sharp pain in the left testicle, or what you may feel as a sore left testicle.

1. Prostatitis
Prostatitis implies that you have inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatitis may be very sudden-onset (acute) or even persistent. It can also be brought about by an infection or be non-infective.
For the diagnosis of the chronic prostatitis, symptoms require to have been available for at least three months. In the acute prostatitis, symptoms normally come on and go away more quickly.
Chronic prostatitis is quite common. About 2 in 10 men will have chronic prostatitis at a point during their life. Chronic prostatitis mostly affects men between the ages of 40-50 but men of any age can be affected.
About 9 in 10 men who have chronic prostatitis also have chronic pelvic pain syndrome. About 1 in 10 men with chronic prostatitis also have chronic bacterial prostatitis, so this is very rare in comparison to chronic prostatitis.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a type of an infective prostatitis. It is brought about by a persistent infection with a germ of the prostate gland. A man who have chronic bacterial prostatitis will normally have had recurring urine infections. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is normally brought about by the same type of bacteria that leads to the urine infections.
The prostate gland can also harbor infection and thus recurring pain in left testicle can happen. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is not a sexually transmitted infection.
Chronic prostatitis is a persistent discomfort or even pain that you feel in the lower pelvic region – mainly at the base of the penis and also around the anus. It is normally diagnosed if you have had pain for at least four months within the previous six months.
The cause of this type of the chronic prostatitis is not fully explained by doctors. Many of the theories have been put forward as to the cause. These are:
- Infection of the prostate with a bacteria that has not yet been identified.
- Nerve problems that are affecting the prostate.
- An autoimmune problem of the prostate gland (antibodies that people normally produce so as to fight infection may be attacking the cells of the prostate gland for some other reason).
- Inflammation that is resulting from the urine being forced backwards up into the prostate at the time of urination.
The term prostatitis refers to the pain in left testicle or infection of the prostate gland. But, the exact cause of this form of the chronic prostatitis is not identified and there is a variable response to the antibiotics as well as anti-inflammatory painkillers. For these given reasons, some doctors normally prefer to use the term ‘chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Using this term does not necessarily mean that the problem definitely stems from the prostate gland.
2. Testicular pain after working out
The testicles are very sensitive, and even a slight injury can lead to pain in left testicle, the groin or even the abdomen. It’s not always possible to diagnose the cause of the testicle pain, and also the conditions as diverse as trauma, infection and cancer can lead to it. If you have a sudden, or if your testicle pain is accompanied by fever, nausea or blood in the urine, seek medical help for a proper diagnosis.
The spongy nature of the testicles allows them to absorb shock, but due to the fact that they are not protected by a muscle or bone, it is possible to damage the testicles, more especially when playing contact sports.
It’s usual to experience pain, swelling or even bruising with trauma to the testicles, but a direct blow can lead to the testicles to rupture, leading the blood to leak into the scrotum. If this occurs, the doctors suggests you may require surgery so as to save the testicles. Seek medical assistance as soon as you can.
3. Pain in left testicle before and after ejaculation
When a male ejaculates, his muscles suddenly contract and send semen from the testicles to the urethra, where it is eliminated from the body through the opening of the penis.
Any condition that causes inflammation or an infection of the structures that contribute to ejaculation or in the surrounding area may lead to a very painful ejaculation. The discomfort normally presents itself as penile pain, a perineal ache, or pain in the testicular or glans areas.
The incidence of painful ejaculation is very common among men older than 45, and some other estimates put the figure of men experiencing this condition as high as 7 percent of the population. Orchitis is the inflammation of one or even both of the testicles.
The condition normally occurs as a result of the inflammation of the epididymitis, which is a tube that connect each testicle to another structure known as the vas deferens. Epididymitis also commonly happens as a result of the bacterial or viral infection. Treatment for the orchitis consists of a combination of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications and bed rest.
4. Pulled groin
Direct blows to the scrotum will lead to that familiar nauseating pain in left testicle that is a characteristic of the condition.
Any man who has ever experienced a knock in the area will remember the pain for a long time afterwards. This is due to the sensitive testicles are so vulnerable to an injury, all contact sports should be played while wearing a supporting underwear or even a jock strap.
In cricket, a box should be used, especially when fielding near to the stumps. A hard cricket ball travelling at speed can otherwise lead to a considerable damage.
Usually, bruising or even swelling are the worst results of a direct blow. However alarming it appears, it will tend to settle within few days with the assistance of supportive underwear, painkillers and even warm baths.
The bruising as well as the swelling that emanates from a normal vasectomy operation will also repair itself in the similar way in an equal amount of time.
Cycling pain in left testicle is not uncommon, not only from long-distance cycling in the restrictive shorts on poorly padded saddles, but in stunt riders that are slipping off the peddles and then falling heavily astride the cross bar.
5. Pain in testicle post-vasectomy
A woman can only get pregnant if a man’s sperm reaches one of the eggs. Contraception also tries to stop this occurring by keeping the egg and the sperm apart or by stopping egg from production. One method of contraception is through vasectomy (also known as male sterilization).
During a minor operation, the tubes that normally carry sperm from a man’s testicles to the penis are then cut, blocked or even sealed.
This prevents the sperm from reaching the seminal fluid, which is then ejaculated from the penis during sex. There will be no sperm in the semen, so a woman’s egg is not able to be fertilized. Vasectomy is normally carried out under local anaesthetic, and takes about 20 minutes.
Vasectomy is a very quick and painless surgical procedure. The tubes that carry sperm from a man’s testicles to the penis are cut, blocked or even sealed with heat. In most of the cases, you will be able to return home the very day.
Most of the vasectomies are carried out under local anaesthetic. This implies that only the scrotum and testicles will be numbed, and you will be awake during the procedure. You will not feel any pain, although it can be feel slightly uncomfortable.
In very rare cases, a general anaesthetic may be needed. This imply that you will be asleep during the procedure. A general anaesthetic can be used if you are allergic to local anaesthetic or have a history of fainting much easily. But, most people will only require a local anaesthetic.
A vasectomy has no any effect on sex drive or even ability to enjoy sex. You will still have erections and even ejaculate normally. The only difference is that the semen will not have sperm.
6. Sharp pain in left testicle when urinating
Symptoms of epididymitis begin gradually and then peak within 24 hours. Pain in left testicle normally begins in the scrotum or even the groin.
- Abdominal or even flank pain: At first, inflammation starts in the vas deferens (which is the duct that carries sperm to the urethra) and then descends to the epididymis. This descent indicates why symptoms can begin initially in the flank and groin. One side of the testicle can be much more painful than the other.
- Scrotal pain and also swelling: The epididymis can swell to twice the normal size within 4 hours (the degree of swelling is however variable).
- Pain on urination, sometimes blood in the urine.
- Discharge from the urethra (especially in men younger than 40 years of age)
- Fever and the chills
7. Epididymitis
This condition happens when there is inflammation of the epididymis, normally due to an infection. Epididymitis primarily affects all the adults, and is most common to people between 19 to 40 years of age, but it can happen in the prepubertal and the elderly age groups.
In sexually active men, the most common reason for the infection is from a sexually transmitted disease, most notably is the bacterial organisms Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
In younger as well as the older individuals, infection is normally brought about by bacteria that are in the urinary tract, like Escherichia coli. Infection in the age groups is the result of an abnormality within the genitourinary system.
Any type of trauma to the testicles can lead to a severe pain as well as discomfort. The most common mechanism of the testicular trauma happens from a blunt trauma, which can happen from sports injuries, car accidents, and straddle injuries. In most of the instances, the pain can improve with the passage of time. But, in a few instances, trauma to the testicles can lead to more severe injuries requiring urgent medical attention.
Epididymitis normally presents as gradual onset, mild to very severe testicle pain (that is localized to one testicle, right or left) that may be accompanied by any of the following signs:
- Nausea and also vomiting
- Testicular tenderness, usually localized to the area of the epididymis, though it might become much generalized and also involve the whole testicle as the illness progresses.
- Testicular or scrotal swelling and redness
- Fever
- Urethral discharge
- Urinary symptoms, like burning, or frequency
7. Infection in the scrotum
Both the testicle itself as well as the epididymis are prone to infection with microorganisms.
Inflammation of the testicle is called orchitis, and that of the epididymis known as epididymitis.
When both happen together, as they often do, the term is usually epididymo-orchitis. All lead to pain in the area of the testicle, which is very tender, swollen as well as very hot to touch.
Bacterial infection normally descends from the urinary system causing a typical infection that will respond to a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
The viral infection mumps is not an uncommon cause of orchitis in adult men who are not in any way immune, thus affecting one side, but sometimes both.
Mumps orchitis is normally preceded by a facial swelling because of an inflamed salivary gland just underneath and in front of one or both ears, and due to viruses do not respond to antibiotics, the mainstay of treatment is the pain relief and rest.
In a small levels of the cases, mumps orchitis can cause infertility if both testicles are also involved, although some of the authorities prescribe corticosteroid medication to minimize inflammation.
8. Cancer
The most common sign of testicular cancer is the lump in one of the testicles. The lump or swelling can be about the size of a pea, but can be larger. Most of the lumps or even swellings in the scrotum aren’t in the testicle and aren’t a sign of the cancer.
But they should not be ignored. Visit the doctor as soon as you notice a lump or even swelling in the scrotum. Testicular cancer can also lead to other symptoms, including a:
- Dull ache or even sharp pain in the testicles or scrotum, which may come disappear.
- feeling of the heaviness in the scrotum
- change in the texture or increase in firmness of a testicle
- Difference between one testicle and the other one.
See the doctor as soon as you observe any lump or even a swelling on the testicle. They’ll examine the testicles to assist determine whether or not the lump is cancerous. Lumps within the scrotum can have several different causes and the testicular cancer is much rare.
If the doctor thinks the lump is in the testicle they can consider cancer as a possible cause.
Research has indicated that less than 5% of scrotal lumps or even the swellings are cancerous. For instance, varicoceles (swollen blood vessels) as well as the epididymal cysts (cysts that are found in the tubes around the testicle) are the common causes of testicular lumps.
If you do have the testicular cancer, the sooner treatment starts, the greater the likelihood that you’ll be cured.
If you don’t feel comfortable visiting the doctor, you can go to the local sexual health clinic, where a healthcare professional can examine you.
If testicular cancer has spread to several parts of the body, you can also have other symptoms. Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body is called metastatic cancer.
Around 5% of people who have testicular cancer can have symptoms of metastatic cancer. The most common place for the testicular cancer so as to spread to the nearby lymph nodes in the abdomen or even the lungs.
Lymph nodes are the glands that make up the immune system. Less commonly, the cancer might spread to the liver, brain or even bones. Symptoms of the metastatic testicular cancer are:
- A persistent cough
- Coughing or spitting up blood
- Shortness of breath
- Swelling and enlargement of the male breasts
- A lump or swelling in your neck
- Lower back pain
9. STD and testicular pain
Infectious reasons of pain in left testicle are epididymitis (inflammation of the tube that carries sperm from the testicle to the penis) brought about by the sexually transmitted diseases gonorrhea, or orchitis brought about by many types of bacteria and some of the viruses.
Pain in left testicle and lower abdomen
Pain in testicles and lower abdomen might be brought about by different things. This area is where the male reproductive structures are and the urinary tract. 7
The lower abdomen also has the large bowel and the muscles that keep the lower abdominal organs right in place. Pain in this particular area can feel like stabbing, aching, or like the sore muscles.
A hernia to the inguinal canal leads to lower abdominal pain and the groin pain. The inguinal canal is a hole that is found in the wall of the abdomen. When the muscles that are found in the lower abdomen become very weak, the hole can thus get larger and tissue can slip through.
This is normally brought about by lifting heavy objects. There can be a lump in the groin and can even go to the scrotum. It is common in the older men and people who are overweight. It can also occur with the weight loss. This condition needs surgery so as to repair and some kind of abdominal support.
Pain in left testicle and lower back
The evaluation of the testicular pain should involve the care of a urologists and even the evaluation of the back pain should involve the care of the physical therapy physicians, neurosurgeons, and the pain specialists.
Independently, testicular pain and the low back pain might be from several different causes. There are also several other causes that can be associated with the two symptoms together. Such symptoms, given age, might be from the kidney stones that may be leading to obstructing symptoms leading to the discomfort.
Testicular torsion is much possible and can cause similar symptoms but this is normally a medical emergency. Abdominal wall hernias, like inguinal hernias, can lead to this are very common in the age group. Problems in the back causing nerve damage can lead to this type of pain. Rarely, cancers can lead to these symptoms, like lymphoma, but this should be evaluated.
The treatment plan may vary substantially based on the diagnosis. Kidney stones can be managed conservatively or even with non-invasive or even invasive procedures. Torsion needs surgery, and abdominal wall hernias.
Back problems might be treated using medication, and sometimes surgery. It is not in any way possible to come with a treatment plan without observing the patient, thus it is the strong recommendation that you request a referral to an internist and urologist for further evaluation.
Sore left testicle and dull pain
Normally, the scrotum or testicle is not in any way swollen, but there is a dull, throbbing pain on one side that can become worse especially during the day. In very severe cases, even the touch of the clothing or bedclothes makes it worse.
This is a common problem, and there are many possible causes, including an infection Pain in the scrotum can happen after a vasectomy; no-one knows why this happens, but it seems to affect up to 5% of men who have experienced a vasectomy.
If you have any pain in the scrotum or even testicle you require to see the doctor. The doctor will test you for the infection, and will work out the cause of the pain. Even if no infection is seen, the doctor can prescribe an antibiotic.
Your doctor may prescribe a low dose of amitriptyline; this is a drug that helps to block pain. Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help, but it is available only in specialized hospitals.
Often, but, no particular cause may be found, in which case you have the testicular pain syndrome.
Treatment for sharp pain in left testicle
A color Doppler-testicular ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging finding that may evaluate the blood flow to the testicles, and the presence of the testicular tumors, testicular rupture, and even the hernias. A kidney ultrasound might be helpful in the evaluation of the kidney stones.
This is an imaging study that requires the intravenous administration of a radionuclide, helpful for the evaluation of the testicular torsion, and other causes of the testicular pain. It is used less commonly than the ultrasound.
The treatment for the testicular pain varies much depending on the underlying reason. As already indicated, some conditions causing testicular pain are medical emergencies requiring immediate surgical intervention.
Definitive management of the testicular torsion needs surgery by a urologist. During the surgery, the affected testicle is then untwisted, and if it is found to be much viable, the testicle is then secured to the scrotal wall. The unaffected testicle can also be secured so as to prevent testicular torsion from occurring, as some males will have the bell clapper abnormality on both sides.
Further references
- What causes pain in testicle? 9 possible conditions:
- Symptoms of testicular cancer:
- Testicle pain:
- Testicular pain – a sensitive issue:
- Testicular Pain (Pain in the Testicles):
- Chronic Prostatitis:
- Pain in the Testicles After Exercise: